Let us love God, because he loved us first.
[1 Jn 4:19]​

Meet Little Brother 
Charles de Foucauld.

Charles was born into an aristocratic French family in 1858.
His parents died at an early age, and he lost his faith at the age of 16.
He entered military school in 1876 and wasted an inherited fortune on a frivolous life.
In 1881, he was sent to North Africa on a military campaign.
In 1982, he resigned from the army, refusing to send home his mistress.
He decided to explore Morocco and was awarded for his scientific observations.
Back in France he searched for instruction in the Catholic faith and in October 1986 he experienced a complete conversion and decided to give his life to God without reserve.
After a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he joined the Trappist monks and in 1890 he had been captivated by the humility of God.
Back in Nazareth he worked for 3 years as a sacristan and gardener for the Poor Clares where he deepened an intimate relationship with Jesus.
He was ordained priest in 1901 and left once again for North Africa for a little oasis village of Beni Abbes.
In 1905, he left Beni Abbes to go south to Tamanrasset where he lived alone among the Tuareg, becoming their friend learning their language and recording their culture.
On the 1st December 1916 he was shot in an attempt to take him as a hostage, part of the intrigues of the 1914-18 war.
Brother Charles was canonized as a saint by Pope Francis on 15 May 2022 in Rome.
Pope Francis named him a prophet for our time.
His call like ours is to live friendship with all, expanding the boundaries of the Church, building one human family.
‘I want everyone, Muslims, Christians, Jews…to consider me as a brother, a universal brother.’
My God, you are so good! That's how you always are!
You are always the one who does not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoldering wick!
From his meditations
There is no sinner so great, no criminal so entrenched in his ways, that you don't insistently offer him Paradise,
as you gave it to the good thief for the price of a moment's god will.
From his meditations
Pray for me above all that I may have that burning, generous, passionate love that makes one love Jesus above all things.
I don't ask to feel that love, nor to feel that Jesus loves me, as long as I love him with all my soul, passionately and forever
Nazareth, from his meditations
Adoration, wordless admiration which is the most eloquent from of praise -
that wordless admiration which contains passionate declaration of love
From his meditations
You ask me if I am ready to go somewhere else besides Beni Abbes to spread the holyGospel;
for that, I am ready to go to the end of the world and to live till the last judgment
From a Letter
Every Christian must look on every human being as a beloved brother or sister.
Christians have toward every human being the attitudes of Jesus' own Heart
From a letter

Our Family

Credits to Anja Rozen

Lay Fraternity

Little Sisters of Jesus


Little Brothers of Jesus

Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests

In addition, our family extends to many more groups.

Upcoming Events

Gospel sharing

Each Friday, we meet on zoom with the Little Sisters of Jesus to reflect on the Sunday's scripture readings, sharing our experiences and thoughts.

Monthly meetings

Once per month, each lay fraternity meets in person or over zoom to read the Bible, share our experiences and discuss the spirituality of Brother Charles. Afterward, we usually share a simple meal together.


We would love to get in touch,
get to know you more and tell you about our family!