Lay Fraternity

The lay fraternity brings together women and men of all ethnic origins, of all social classes and from different states of life who, following the example of Charles de Foucauld, wish to help each other to follow Jesus and to live the Gospel. The fraternity had its origin in the Roman Catholic Church but it is open to all those who are drawn by the message of Brother Charles.


  1. Faithful to the inspiration of Brother Charles, members of the fraternity are called to live the hidden life of Nazareth which for them is:
    • The constant search for and welcome of the incarnate Son of God who became the « carpenter’s son » (Matt. 13, 55)
    • « To cry the gospel with their life » (Br Charles)
    • Solidarity with the poor, the living presence of Christ in the midst of the world
    • The search for communion and universal friendship with all the Churches, religions and people of the world.

  3. Fraternity members wish to model their lives on the example of Jesus Christ:
    • In adoring him and receiving him in the Eucharist, the real presence of God amongst us
    • In welcoming him in his Word, especially in the Gospel
    • In searching for him in personal prayer, in retreat, in desert days and in self-abandonment
    • In meeting him, in loving him and serving him in all people.

  5. In solidarity with the poor, fraternity members try to:
    • Live a simple life, which is an alternative to the consumer society
    • Share their sorrows, their hopes and their conflicts in the search for true freedom
    • Recognise in all people, particularly our neighbours, a brother and a sister to love, and especially the most abandoned who are in need of material, spiritual or moral support.

  7. By their life in fraternity members are called to:
    • Have mutual understanding and affection for each other and to be aware of the others’ need whatever it may be
    • A true conversion of heart, particularly through the review of life where they are called to scrutinise their personal and public lives in accordance with the demands of the Gospel
    • A true sharing pre-supposing renunciation of privileges in order to seek a more communal management of material goods.

  9. The fraternity must take a clear position when human rights are threatened by any form of oppression.

  11. Brother Charles must always be a source of renewal for the fraternities. Knowledge of his life, his writings, his spirituality are means through which fraternity members can remain faithful to their vocation and today’s demands of the Gospel in their lives.


The fraternity is made up of small local groups.
  1. To ensure liaison and support between these local groups each country has a national team .
  2. Each country is organised according to its national needs and characteristics, always remaining faithful to the spirit of Brother Charles and in liaison with the European and International teams.
  3. The fraternity is aware of and feels a duty to those who, because of their particular circumstances, are unable to attend regular meetings but wish to follow the way of life and spirituality of Brother Charles’ family.
  4. Each continent should have a regional organisation thus encouraging international discussion and support.
  5. There is a general assembly every six years.
  6. The purposes of the general assembly are:
    • To meet delegate representatives from each country
    • To live together, praying, listening and sharing
    • To discern what is and what is not faithful to the spirit of the fraternity
    • To elect an international team for a period of six years. This team should have, if possible, a priest member and also two or three other members who are present and therefore known to the General Assembly. This team must be the sign of unity with all the fraternities and has responsibility for giving support, encouraging growth and maintaining liaison throughout the world.
  7. The Fraternity has regular contact with all other branches of the spiritual family of Brother Charles, particularly in the General Association of the Fraternities of Brother Charles of Jesus.

Lay Fraternities exist worldwide.
You can check the international bulletin and the north american fraternity newsletter