Little Brothers of Jesus

Following the way of Nazareth

Our aim is to imitate the life of Jesus in Nazareth. It is our desire to live a contemplative life, not separated from the world, but sharing in every aspect the social condition of ordinary people.


An encounter with the face of God in Jesus of Nazareth, risen and forever present among us, is at the heart of the life project of the Little Brothers of Jesus.


“I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.”, John 10:10


We live in small communities called “fraternities”. We seek to lead a Gospel way of life, characterised by prayer and friendship, sharing the situation of those who do not count in society, those who are ignored or even excluded.


Our vocation leads us to “proclaim the Gospel not by what we say, but by how we live”, as Charles de Foucauld used to say.

Brothers around the World

We have fraternities in every continent.

For more info, contact Brother Xavier at or check our international website.