Books to read

If you want to learn more about Brother Charles, there are many resources that you can check. The following are few of them.

Charles de Foucauld: Journey to Tamanrasset, LBJ Antoine Chatelard

Brother to All: The Life and Witness of St. Charles de Foucauld, Victor Edwin

The Universal Brother: Charles de Foucauld Speaks to Us Today, Little Sister Kathleen of Jesus

Christian Hermit in an Islamic World: A Muslim's View of Charles de Foucauld, Ali Merad

Hidden in God: Discovering the Desert Vision of Charles de Foucauld, Bonnie Thurston

Saint Charles de Foucauld: His Life and Spirituality, LSJ Cathy Wright

New Seeds in the Desert, Charles de Foucauld

St Charles de Foucauld meditates on the Psalms: The tool shed in Nazareth, Charles de Foucauld